A 100% natural product. Bees collect pollen from the flowers and by mixing it with saliva and nectar they form small balls which they take to the hive since it is almost the only source of proteins, facts, mineral and vitamins for young bees.

Pollen is collected entirely in Spain which, thanks to its rich flora, is internationally recognized as a pollen producer of the highest quality.

It is an excellent food supplement. It is rich in, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Free amino acids, Facts, Minerals (iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and sodium), Vitamins (mainly of type B but also of types E and C), polyphenols and flavonoids.

Floral and hay aromas with earthy notes. Characteristically sweet and slightly bitter.

FORMATS   Cardboard Drums of 50 kg,  25 kg,  with inner plastic bag suitable for food consumption.